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Residency and Sketch Up Friday in Bristol 24/7!!!

I'm delighted t inform you that Bristol 24/7 have listed my current residency and solo exhibition on their website.

They have kinldly ran a short feature, with details about the residency at the Arts Mansion and listing my Sketch Up Friday sessions too!

Soooooo...Please pick up your pencil and source a sketchbook to join me on one of the next Sketch Up Friday's!

The next date will be 25th January. We'll meet at the Ashton Court mansion, in the Great Hall for 11.30 and settle to draw until about 1pm.

Do let me know if you can make it? If not then, we have another date curently booked in for the first week of February.

Ooohhh - and here to help share this with you are the lovely Bristol 24/7 people, who have handily popped it into their online listings just here x

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