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Thank You to You

I tried - and made a boo boo - to send out an email to you wonderful people who subscribe to my website, follow me on social media and visit me at events BUT for some, strange reason, known only to the t'internet, it only went and vanished!

So, please can you accept this as a heart-felt thank you for all of your support. Without you - sending me messages, reacting to my posts, visiting me at events, feeding back on my work, chatting with me and sharing your stories - what I do wouldn't be half as much fun!

In particular, I would like to say a big thank you to those of you who made it to my most recent events, the Ashton Court mansion exhibition and the West Bristol arts trail. Your conversations were wonderful and I hugely appreciate the fact that you chose to spend your weekend visiting me at a venue, spending your hard-earned cash and time with me. Thank you.

Another two individuals I need to thank are Igor Kennaway and Zuleika Henry, descendants of the Smyth family. I met them both during the 60 year celebration of Ashton Court being owned by the council in September. They shared with me fascinating stories of family life and family memories of the mansion. During these conversations, Igor realised that he and Zuleika had - several years before - stood 'in the frame' of my print, "Pattern and Place" for a photograph together. Here they are, in front of their ancestral pile. Igor kindly relayed the image to me, so that I can share the unbelievable coincidence with you!

What's next? Well, I will be exhibiting during the Front Room arts trail in Totterdown in November. It's my first time and I am looking forward to participating, I can be found at Amba House on 16th and 17th November from 12 - 6pm. If you are free, do please come and join me. I'm in a lovely venue with lots of artists and makers selling various wares and there will be a cafe to sustain you as you journey along. Please note the venue is not wheelchair friendly and runs over two floors.

Until then, happy Autumn! Let's enjoy the colours together.

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