We have been working with Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Association, Art Under the Flyover, Hotwells Primary School and the ELASC After school club to regenerate a wall on the Cumberland Piazza.
Initially, artwork was generated via a series of workshops with the after school club, running from Hotwells Primary. The children were asked to draw their favourite things about where they live. The brief was responded to in very different ways and produced a plethora of wonderful illustrations. I used these motifs to create the new mural in this public space, just around the corner from the school, which forms the focus of a regeneration project. I have been really enjoying working with the children's ideas and designs.- it's great to be able to put their drawings somewhere that others can appreciate their happy, colourful imagery!
Over this weekend, we ran workshops both on Saturday and Sunday to enable to children to come and take ownership of the wall. They were invited to join us to print onto their mural using stamps. They added details and textures with stamps created from their own drawings. We were able to incorporate any new ideas on site and watch their creativity blossom! The results were fantastic - there was real energy and enthusiasm and an open interpretation of the stamps! One 'wave' later turned into wriggly worms for the hedgehogs and badger to eat - another flower motif became a forest.