Oh. My. Goodness! It's pretty much here!! After the cancelled event last year, I can barely believe that I will be exhibiting in a group show, as part of the West Bristol Arts trail this coming weekend!
It has been such a long time coming - I am genuiniely excited about seeing all of your lovely faces and having conversations about art - not least as I will be found in the beautiful surroundings of Goldney House, in the Orangery, Lower Clifton Hill, Hotwells BS8 1BH
We will have tea, coffee, cake (and toilets!), plus wonderful work, created by nine artists, encompassing prints, textiles, jewellery, ceramics, photography and paintings. I shall be sharing new, experimental works for the first time, my favourite prints and a bargain box of older pieces. There is quite literally something for everyone!
We will be open from 11 - 5pm, Saturday and Sunday. Come say hello and pick up a treat or two - perhaps a Christmas gift, or gift for you! I can't wait to meet you.