The sun is shining and the days are getting longer. . .it's the perfect time of year to get outdoors and start painting murals!
Straight off of the summertime bat, I am proud to say that I have been selected by Brave Bold Drama to be the recipient of their second COG Artist Residency award. COG stands for 'Creative Opportunity Giver' and it offers the chance to exchange ideas and skills for space and funding. I will have studio access to develop my own work within this community hub in Withywood, whilst also engaging with a school (one particular secondary in mind - to be confirmed soon!) in order to create a new, community mural, providing these students with a visual voice.
All the details are yet to be set, but needless to say I am excited about the opportunity to work with another community and proud to have been chosen for this artist residency with Brave Bold Drama via their COG scheme.
Watch this space for more updates soon!!!