After a huge period of absence, Spike Print Studio is opening once more, to trial their new covid-19 safety measures. I have volunteered to go in and test the facilities and I cannot wait!!! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to be heading back - even if it is to test the covid-19 measures. Printing is my happy place and being part of the SPS community is important to me.
I am looking forward to making a new screen, exposing new imagery to play with and being back in that environment.
I have been working on an iris design. This is part of a new series of prints, exploring things a little closer to home, the direct result of being locked down. Below is the original drawing on squared paper in my sketchbook. I have been creating layers to describe different colours and tone on the petals. The image above shows me playing with placement on my screen - it's always good to ensure that you can fit everything on! It will be interesting to be back in the studio and see how the future will look in the print space.